Oesch and Cascione to Meet in California:
Is There a PLI Conspiracy?
By Rev. Jack Cascione


Doctor Norbert Oesch has responded, in part, as follows:

"Of course, I am deeply troubled that you will not admit your errors. Sometimes I wonder if you operate with a different set of definitions for words than is in Webster's Dictionary–words like "conspiracy," and "initiate." And I wonder if you mean something quite different when your refer to "Church Growth" than what I know to be the principles of church growth that primarily came into popular parlance through professors at Fuller Seminary. But maybe this will be a part of a conversation with you.

"At any rate, I accept the invitation to meet with you when you are in Orange. I would like to establish it on Friday, December 29, 9:30 a.m. I will have until 11:30 a.m. should we need that much time to talk. I will bring a witness with me. I do not know if you intend to bring a witness too, but if you do, I trust it would be only one, for the sake of fairness. Further, I propose we meet at a neutral spot, namely Rockwell's, 17853 Santiago Blvd., #109 (Ralph's Shopping Center in Villa Park). I'm confident the Keisers know where it is."

Dear Norb:

Thank you for making all the arrangements. We will meet, God willing, as you have suggested at Rockwell's, 17853 Santiago Blvd., on Friday, December 29, 9:30 a.m.



Is there a PLI conspiracy?

We repeat the following quote from Doctor Norbert Oesch:

"In 1996 the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) asked four of us to answer a question, namely, 'If the LCEF were to use some of its operating expenses to stimulate something that would make a difference in our church body, what would that be?' Unanimously we responded, 'Invest in pastoral leadership training.'. . . In consultation with Concordia Seminary President, Dr. John Johnson, with Dr. Bill Meyer (Executive Director) of the Board for Higher Education, and with President, Gerry Kieschnick of the Texas District, the idea of a Pastoral Leadership Institute was shaped. Although I was part of the shaping, I was overwhelmed when I was asked to bring it into reality."

Day-Star has an article on its website titled "How Bad Things Happen to Good People in the LCMS." The article explains how Doctor Norbert Oesch' s Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) has thus far failed to get approval from the Synod's Board for Higher Education for Recognized Service Organization (RSO) status for Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI). Why all the concern about RSO status? It is all about the money. They want to keep tapping the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, the LCMS Foundation, and Council of District Presidents (COP) for money. Without RSO status they can't put their hands into the layman's pockets to pay for all those changes they want to make in LCMS congregations.

Day-Star writes: "A self-appointed guardian of Synodical orthodoxy and orthopraxis, the Rev. Jack Cascione, blusters and blathers and fulminates against these 'errorists' of the PLI who, he rants, are going to turn churches into businesses and pastors into corporate CEO's, which will destroy Our Beloved Synod as we have known it and as God desires it to be."

Well-said Day-Star. "Orthopraxis" is not even in my spell check.

Day-Star also complains that President Barry met with a group, including Cascione, who complained about PLI. Yes, we met with Barry. Perhaps we erred in not first checking with PLI, Day-Star and Jesus First who are now screening all of Barry's appointments? We also didn't ask for money, RSO status, or the right to put our hands in the layman's pocket.

Day-Star is saddened that PLI is then asked to defend itself in a meeting with Barry.

We won't forget the COP/Forward dance for the PLI-friendly Norm Sell to be Synodical Treasurer and President of the LCMS Foundation at 1995 Convention. It was all about the money. Sell only lost $40,000,000.00 according to the Wall Street Journal. Now that Oesch's former congregational president has replaced Sell as President of the Foundation, the only thing that is standing in PLI's way from continued access to the Synodical deep pockets is the lack of RSO status. Then there is also that "self-appointed Cascione."

Now, the December 2000 issue of "Jesus First" picks up the same article from Day-Star with the title "Pastoral Leadership Institute: How Bad Things Happen to Good People."

Yes, not getting the money by divine right is a bad thing to good PLI people. In veiled terms they write about Fort Wayne, "But in the LCMS: One of the seminaries gets its nose so badly bent out of joint that it can't be straightened to this very day."

Yes, it is only one of the Seminaries, because President John Johnson of the St. Louis Seminary helped found PLI. Both Seminaries have failed miserably at protecting the Office of the Keys in the hands of LCMS Voters' Assemblies but at least one of them will speak out against PLI.

The barbarians are at the gate and the only defense is Walther's "Church and Ministry," yet neither Seminary will endorse Voter Supremacy as the polity of the LCMS. Then, gentlemen, if not Walther, why not PLI? The only way to save the Synod may be to fire the faculties of both Seminaries. The conservatives have controlled the two Seminaries since the Walk-out, orthodox theology is the order of the day, but without Walther, they haven't a clue of what to do with it and neither do their graduates. Why have the Seminaries refused to equate Walther's "Church and Ministry" with the great commission?

Who appointed PLI, Day-Star, or Jesus First to take one breath in the Synod?" It must be God's direct call that they should have lots of money.

They can hardly believe that there should be anyone in the Synod who has the right to object to their making a raid on the Synodical-feeding trough. Money and statistics have become the new LCMS polity.

The last time I checked, A. L. Barry was the duly elected President of the LCMS, Fort Wayne was appointed to teach pastors, and I had a call to Redeemer Lutheran Church, all part of the LCMS. Day-Star, Jesus First, and PLI are not in the Synodical Annual. But we have the PLI motto: "When the Church Growth-Leadership Training-Harvard School of Business-corporate board of directors speak then all should keep silent." All, you Voters' assemblies shut-up! Let's have a little respect for market research, smooth operators, and fund accounts.

For so many in the Synod the great commission is little more than a pretext for access to Synodical funds.

Yes, Doctor Oesch, there is a conspiracy.

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at pastorcascione@juno.com.

December 22, 2000


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