Luther, the Trinity, Werning, the IRS, and "Jesus First"
By Rev. Jack Cascione


Yes, they all interconnected in a rather unusual chain of events.

In response to Redeemer Lutheran Church's resolution to meet with Doctor Waldo Werning, he wrote to our congregation and all of the addressees, four of the following quotations in a seven-page letter on December 5, 2001:

  1. " . . . the sinful actions of the Voters of Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. Clair Shores, Michigan."
  2. "Dr. Waldo Werning will not be tried in the 'kangaroo court' of Redeemer Lutheran Church Voters' Assembly . . ."
  3. "Are you aware of the fact that I can bring Rev. Cascione, the Board of Elders and the Voters of Redeemer Lutheran Church of St. Clair, Michigan into court for slander and defamation of character by your acting as prosecuting attorney, judge and jury . . .?"
  4. "Do you realize that ethically and morally you of Redeemer Church owe me over $2000 for wasted office and secretarial expenses since June 24?"

Werning obviously has no respect for the right of an LCMS voters' assembly to judge doctrine or LCMS congregational polity.

We recommend for Werning's reading, Luther's Works Volume 39 "That a Christian Assembly or Congregation Has the Right and Power to Judge All Teaching and to Call, Appoint, and Dismiss Teachers, Established and Proven by Scripture," (page 305) and Walther's Sermon titled, "The Sheep Judge Their Shepherds."

Not only has Werning told outrageous lies about the Trinity in his book; he write threats to Redeemer Lutheran Church about law suits. He says they owe him $2000.00 and he denies their right to judge doctrine, all of which shows that he is not fit to be on the LCMS clergy roster.

If Werning takes Redeemer to court over blasphemy and lying about the Trinity, it will be the first time the doctrine of the Trinity was put on trial in a United States court.

Not only has "Jesus First" endorsed Werning's false doctrine and jeopardized souls, for which they have no concern, they are also in violation of federal tax regulations!

With the counsel of attorneys, interested parties have asked for the income tax returns of "Jesus First" for 1999 and 2000. According to the Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 26, which governs all 501c3 organizations, upon written request "Jesus First" is required by law to provide copies of its annual tax returns filed with the IRS. Such a request must be honored within 30 days of the date of the receipt of the request. "Jesus First" has not sent the tax returns as required by law and is now in violation of the Code of Federal Regulation. Action will proceed accordingly.

In defense of his heresy, Werning wrote to Redeemer on December 5th: "Does God the Father as a Person of the Godhead reveal Himself in creation and in judging mankind? Does God the Son as a Person of the Godhead reveal Himself as both divine and human, and as the Savior of the world on the Cross? Does God the Holy Spirit as a Person of the Godhead reveal himself as dove at the baptism of Jesus, as the Comforter, and as one who enlightens our minds to understand the Scriptures?"

Werning falsely claims that the three Persons of the Trinity are three separate activities in God. There is no question that the Apostles' Creed correctly identifies the three Persons with three works. However, he fails to understand that these Persons are not limited to these three works. Each of the Persons of the Trinity is involved with creation, redemption, and comforting and yet their works are one work and one communication by one God, not three revelations, experiences, or communications!

This is the bizarre doctrine the South Wisconsin District President and "Jesus First" endorse. I don't worship the Werning/South Wisconsin District false god.

Luther writes: "The Father is my and your God and Creator, who has made me and you. This same creation, me and you, the Son also made. He is as much my and your God and Creator as the Father is. In like manner, the Holy Ghost has made this same creation, me and you, and is my and your God and Creator as well as are the Father and the Son. Yet there are not three Gods and Creators but One God and Creator of both us." (What Luther Says page, 1386 paragraph 4461 CPH 1959)

Luther disagrees with Werning, when he writes: "In this unique essence there are three Persons but only one God, one single Godhead; there is only one God. Hence Jesus Christ is the Creator and preserver of all things, together with God the Father, . . . " (Luther's Works Vol. 22 page 16)

Luther opposes Werning's heresy of three revelations in God when he writes: "He [Jacob] does not say: 'May They bless,' using the plural number. Nor does he repeat. No, he joins the three Persons in the one work of blessing-God the Father, God the Shepherd [The Holy Spirit], and the Angel [Jesus Christ]. Accordingly, these three are one God and one Blesser. The Angel [Jesus Christ] does the same work that the Shepherd [The Holy Spirit] and the God of his fathers does. . . . It is the same will and the same work. Nevertheless, there are three distinct Persons. Therefore Augustine was right when he said: 'The external works of the Godhead are indivisible.' Thus God's blessing is identical with that of His Son, the Angel." (Footnote: This Trinitarian interpretation of Gen. 48:15-16 goes back in the exegetical tradition at least as far as Athanasian, "Discourses Against the Arians.") (Luther's Works 8:164-165)

Werning has invented a false god and idol when you divide the works of God into three revelations, three communications, and three experiences.

Werning writes on December 5, "Does Rev. Cascione really believe that the Triune God with Whom everything is possible, and with Whom no thing is impossible, cannot communicate in any manner or way that He desires? Does your Pastor not experience God through the study of Scriptures or through prayer?"

Here we have an example of how gross Werning's blasphemy really is. No one experiences God through prayer. Werning should show the citation from the Bible or the Lutheran Confessions that says we experience God through prayer. Werning's South Wisconsin god is the god of idolaters. It is little wonder the Synod is declining, it is declining from a lack of the truth.

If Werning wants to experience God through prayer why doesn't he, Ron Meyer, Paul Borgman, and Ron Krug, who all write letters in support of what Werning teaches, join the Assembly of God? The reader experiences the Word of God, not God, when reading Scripture.

Luther also calls claiming to experience God the devil. Luther writes: "In a word, enthusiasm inheres in Adam and his children from the beginning [from the first fall] to the end of the world, [its poison] having been implanted and infused into them by the old dragon, and is the origin, power [life], and strength of all heresy, especially of the Papacy and Mahomet." (Concordia Triglotta, Smalcald Articles, Part III Art. VIII, Page 497)

There is no question that God can do all things, Werning's application that God can thus communicate in three ways, three revelations, or three experiences is utter blasphemy. The Trinity cannot deny Himself. God cannot sin. God cannot be Baal, Buddha, Allah, or Vishnu. God cannot make a rock bigger than He can lift. God cannot have four Persons in the Trinity. God will not give three separate communications, revelations, or experiences because God is One: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

Werning wants us to believe that Jesus was just being hardnosed when He refused the Devil's request for three communications, experiences and revelations; to make rocks into bread, or jump off the temple, or worship the Devil because Jesus could have really done these things if He wanted to. This is the theology President Ron Meyer, Vice President Borgman, and Circuit Counselor Krug, endorsed in writing.

Werning rails against Weinrich and Scaer because they teach that, "All theology is Christology." It would be just as true to say that all theology is the study of God's Word. The Word became flesh.

Luther agrees with Weinrich and Scaer when he writes. "Whoever comes in touch with the man Christ also comes in touch with the Son of God. In fact, the whole Trinity is found in this Man." (Luther's Works 22:346)

Again Luther writes: "And when you have Him, you are grasping the very Son of God; and then you see and grasp God the Father Himself. The entire Holy Trinity is known in the Person of Christ." (Luther's Works 23:89)

Luther writes: "But to say that God is threefold is very poor language, for in the Godhead the highest Oneness exists. Some speak of the Threeness (Dreiheit), but this expression is ridiculous. Augustine too, complains that he has no fitting word for the mystery. (What Luther Says page, 1383 paragraph 4450 CPH 1959)

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at

December 22, 2001