ELCA Leader Promotes Acceptance of Gays and Change
By Rev. Jack Cascione


"Faithful Yet Changing: The Church in Challenging Times" is a new 82-page book written by the newly elected President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, (ELCA) Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson. (Augsburg Fortress Publishers, Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209)

Hanson's primary agenda is to bring the ECLA to greater acceptance of homosexual and lesbian members and clergy.

UNDER THE HEADING, "WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD?" Hanson writes on page 20:

"The Word of God is the revealed and written word in the Bible, but it should not be reduced to only that. It is the living word, incarnate in Christ, recorded in Scripture, proclaimed from the pulpit, and it is the word we speak to one another. I wish we could reclaim that fuller sense of the word of God. . . . The word is not just the Scripture readings and sermon. It is the word we speak to one another, inside or outside the church walls, what Luther called 'the mutual conversation and consolation' of brothers and sisters in Christ. I want to ask, 'What would happen if we thought of ourselves as means of grace?'" Page 20


"There are challenging issues ahead for us. The 2001 church wide assembly has called for further study on sexuality. We will invite this church into conversation regarding God's mysterious, powerful gift of sexuality and the place of persons who are gay and lesbian in the life and ministry of this church." Page 58

"I don't know what this study will conclude, but I do knew that we belong to brothers and sisters in Christ by virtue of God's action in our lives in the waters of Baptism, before any of us know what sexual orientation means, let alone what sexual orientation we have. So our discussion on these issues, as about all issues, will be among sisters and brothers in Christ." Page 59


"If we don't become a changing church, we will be simply a museum piece in the religious history of the American people. Historians will say there was once an immigrant people who came from Europe, bringing with them their faith as Lutheran Christians, but they couldn't adapt to a changing, diverse, pluralistic culture. That's our fate unless we become a changing church in a changing culture." Page 65

The above quotations are quoted from the May 27, 2002, issue of "Christian News." If you are not yet receiving "Christian News" it is a 24-page, weekly paper reviewing American and worldwide Christianity, particularly the Missouri Synod. It is available for $25.00 per year. Call 573-237-3110 or email cnmail@fidnet.com

How to Spot a False Teacher:
1. They confuse Law and Gospel.
2. They recommend a special life style, diet, and/or communal living.
3. They teach exceptions to marriage as instituted by God.
4. They have a new and special revelation from God in addition to the Bible.
5. They are more concerned with your happiness than your hearing the truth.
6. They are not concerned about their own eternal damnation or yours.
7. They call for further study because they can never come to a conclusion or the knowledge of the truth.
8. They have endless new programs and changes.
9. They string together multiple texts out of context in their preaching in order to create their own truth.

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at pastorcascione@juno.com.

June 08, 2002